Hack-a-Sol 2024

Hack-a-Sol 2024

Hack-a-Sol 2024

Hack-a-Sol 2024


Hackathon Timeline

Registration starts

25 July 2024

12:00 AM IST

Registration ends

12 September 2024

12:00 AM IST

Hackathon starts

13 September 2024

06:00 PM IST

Hackathon ends

15 September 2024

06:00 PM IST

Talks and other events

Online hackathon

All the non - shortlisted team can participate for the same hackathon online with same problem statements and over the same periode of time . These submissions will be taken and Honourable Mentions will be awarded to the best project from each track


13 August 2024

11:59 PM IST

Offline Hackathon

All the Top 40 teams accross india will participate for the 30hrs long Hack-A-Sol 3.0 in IIIT Naya Raipur Campus


13 August 2024

11:59 PM IST

Resume Shortlisting

All participants of the team have to submit the resume , and on the basis of this we will shortlist "Top 40 Teams " with best resumes and they will be eligible for the offline hackathon and the amazing cash prizes

22 August 2024

12:00 AM IST

Online Hackathon Registration

The resume shortlisting will start from 22nd August 2024 . And the applications that comes after 22nd August 2024 will be considered for the online hackathon . complete online registrayion will close by 29th August 2024 .

22 August 2024

12:00 AM IST